It’s the last week of Ramadan and I’ve barely started to edit any videos or do anything on the charity project. Every year, I try to raise money for the less fortunate in our community who are sleeping rough by making regular videos throughout Ramadan. This year, I simply haven’t had the time to do […]
Category: Weekly Summary
Weekly Update (9th April 2023)
Busy weeks seem to be the norm over here, so I’ll stop calling them “busy” unless it’s exceptionally so. This week was more…chaotic. Well, the last 2 weeks I should say. It’s been the season for weddings like last Sunday, followed by work and general lethargy that comes from Ramadan. This week was a bit […]
Weekly Summary (2nd April 2023)
If you’re reading this, then you made it to the end of the email I presume. Thanks for reading all the way! You’re awesome! It’s been one of those things that’s been on the cards for a while: changing to a new email provider. The last one was awesome, but lately I found that I […]
Weekly Summary (28th March 2023)
*Apologies in advance – this was written over several sittings when I got a chance at work and may feel a bit disjointed* I’m writing this with about 25 mins to go before I break fast but I am (as always) stuck at work. Today was meant to be an easier day but alas a […]
Weekly Summary (21st March 2023)
It finally happened! We moved the last thing from the old apartment to the new. It was a bit of a bittersweet moment since the other place has been home for nearly 7 years and after all that I might not be in it anymore. Already it feels foreign given the staging and the lack […]
Weekly Summary (13th Mar 2023)
Since pictures are worth a thousand words and all that, lets begin with how my desk looks right now: There’s artwork that needs to hung, my calendars that need to be shipped (someone ordered one over the weekend!)…and a drill… because of course there needs to be a drill! Even with the long weekend here […]
Weekly Summary (7th Mar 23)
Well, well, it’s another delayed email! The weekends have become endless lists of chores at the moment or work. This week in general has been PACKED full of things. Including…packing and moving (har har! see? had to have a pun in there!) That said, this week has also been full of interesting things including, seeing […]
Weekly Summary (27th Feb 2023)
It’s been a week of chores more than anything else. These weeks come by once in a while where all the piled up things eventually topple so you have no way NOT to do what you had been putting off. In our case, it was moving more and more things into the new apartment. That’s […]
Weekly Summary (20th Feb 23)
It’s only February and I’m already finding the weeks are starting to blur. I literally had to look at my calendar to see what I’d been up to since the last email! Maybe it’s just old age. This week has been a more relaxing one since I kept it intentionally light after all the coughing/chest […]
Weekly Summary (12th Feb 23)
Since the last newsletter, it has been an avalanche of activity at my end. Literally a few hours after writing that, I was watching the fireworks, then packing, then flying to Norfolk, then starting work, then fielding what I thought was a scam call, then hopping over to Singapore and SO much more… New Years […]