
Weekly Summary (14th May 2023)

It’s been a few days since coming back home and most of that time has been on catching up on emails and fighting jetlag. I thought I was doing pretty well given that I slept and woke up on relatively normal times on the first day. But the next night, I couldn’t get to sleep til 2am and have been yo-yo-ing between super early 0430 am wake ups and missing my alarms and sleeping in til 10am!

Now, in the past, I would be dealing with that and trying to be functional at work since at most, I used to give myself 24hrs to reset. I’m finding that slowing down is suiting my aging self. 🤣

It’s actually been very relaxing being at home but pretending I’m not here to the outside world. I’ve kept my phone away from me and not answered anything remotely work related because in all fairness, I should JUST be getting home around now.

Apart from the people in the building and the local coffee shops, I’ve not told everyone that I was back. My real estate agent was very surprised to see me walking around yesterday! 😂

Tomorrow, it’s back the usual grind and to waking up to an alarm clock. I’m glad I have a few breaks planned this year. I’m usually ready to get back to work after most holidays but I think this one needed to be 1 week longer for it to be absolutely perfect.

Hopefully, next time…