Blog Weekly Summary

Weekly Summary (6th Feb 2022)

The past week has been a continuation overall with working less hours even though there was an on call in there that had me getting home at 4am! Things are going to get busier from tomorrow so I’m savouring the last few days of calm.

I managed to unbox the Mavic 3 I ordered a little while ago and took it on the maiden flight yesterday. If all things go to plan, I should be flying this near Bell’s Beach as you’re reading this. If yesterday’s flight was anything to go by, the images out of this thing will be AMAZING! Just take a look at this one from yesterday. Poor light since I didn’t leave work early enough but yet the detail is amazing even in high winds!

First proper pic from the Mavic 3

While doing my yearly goal setting and review of previous years diary, I came to one conclusion that I kind of knew but it was confirmed on review: I’m the happiest when I’m learning stuff, making things and exploring. Be it biometric markers or generally feeling good, it always seems to correlate when I’m learning/making or travelling somewhere new. So this year, I’m going to start structuring more time for those things.

I’ve always wanted to dabble in video but it takes an INSANE amount of time to edit properly. So far, I’ve been diving in at the deep end and using the pro tools like Premiere Pro etc. Those are great, but the amount of fine control means that the time commitment required is too high for me to jump in given work commitments.

That and the fact that while I started the Youtube channel as Photos x Raffy, I have posted everything from:

It was beginning to not really just be photography related recently! As a result, I was thinking of restarting my original one at Raffy Halim and doing what a lot of folk like Peter McKinnon, Casey Neistat or (my fave) Ali Abdaal do and have a channel with their name exploring things that they find interesting. It’s always seemed a bit indulgent using my name as a “brand” but I really can’t think of anything other than “random” if I were to do videos on religion, charity, tech, travel, photography, coding and productivity. So look out for that in the near future. And unlike the previous attempts, it’s likely to be a bit rough around the edges so I can get started at least!